The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126974   Message #2846826
Posted By: VirginiaTam
22-Feb-10 - 01:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: Healthy Feb-2010 Declutter & Fitness
Subject: RE: BS: Healthy Feb-2010 Declutter & Fitness
ooohh Maryanne - I wanna go to Ireland. That trip will have to wait 3 or more years.

LtS - congrats on the trouser fall down thing. Mine are too, but the roll of fat that used to hold them just moved northward on my body. I used to be pear shaped. now I am a granny smith.

Maggie and Kat - I wish I had the initiative to sell on ebay. I tend to just recycle or take my unwantables to charity shop.

It was pissing down with rain yesterday so we put off caravan work. I did laundry and TSO ironed his own shirts. Ain't he a good un?

Performance review went fine on Friday.

Today at work did much decluttering of my folders, updated my completed task list with some past one off jobs I did last fall and forgot about. Decluttered my email inbox at work but not the sub folders of which there are about a bazillion.

Came up with a system for archiving email enquiries and comments on service, so the archivist's don't need to print them out for me to file. Can't be kept in the ERO email inbox for more than 3 months.

So I save each email under sender's name and date sent and pertaining reply emails like wise in type of enquiry specific folder on the Archivist's drive. Log each email in Index spreadsheet and insert link to the email.

Now when any archivist needs to refer to an old email enquiry such as a coroner report or adoption enquiry, they just go to the index, search for the name of requester and they will have a hyperlink to the specific email needed.

We are trialling this for 6 months, so I will still be filing hard copies (6 inch stacks of them) twice a month until the Senior Archivist confirms the system is working for all.

I will still have to hard file, letters and faxes which is ok. The bulk of enquiries and comments on service come as emails. This should save a mountain of paper and ink cartridges too. I should get a bonus for coming up with this cost saving plan. I'll bet the Archive Service Manager does though. Oops! Scratch the negative thought.