The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127125   Message #2847261
Posted By: Ron Davies
22-Feb-10 - 10:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: Palin sips tea tonight
Subject: RE: BS: Palin sips tea tonight
"meaningless majority".    Wrong again. The good lady's track record is turning out to be a rather good negative indicator.

No health care bill has been passed by Congress. However, other bills have been passed in this Congress, as I have pointed out.

As a sage likes to say:   "Please try to keep up."

And we're still waiting patiently for her to tell us just how the public option is to be put back into the health care bill. Especially since the latest proposal, by the President, does not include it.

Her capacity for self-delusion is quite remarkable.

It does seem that we have made some progress however.   The dear lady appears to have realized that gutter language--though she seems to derive great enjoyment from it--isn't really necessary to have a political discussion.

Except possibly in her circles, where it might be just the normal way to communicate--who knows how she lives?

Admittedly it does not to have yet seeped into her giant brain that there is in fact a difference between a troll and a person who politely asks her to back up a statement.

Except again, possibly in her circles.

I considered continuing with "Mrs. B. S. Banshee"--it certainly does have a nice ring, and admirably captures her attitude at certain points. But I've decided not to call her "Mrs. B.S. Banshee". while keeping "Mrs. B S. Banshee" on reserve should it be needed.

And of course that also means I won't be able to use "termagant" in this context, since inflammatory language is to be shunned.   This is a particularly bitter pill, since I've waited years to use "termagant" in conversation--and it fits so perfectly.

Progress has also been made, it appears, in that she seems to realize that her mention of "filibuster-proof majority" was totally pointless--since this beast has not been sighted since long before 2008.

She has even grudgingly uttered the dread word "compromise".   "Maybe compromise is necessary". ( Now there's a ringing endorsement of compromise.)

No "maybe". It is in fact necessary--and is virtually always necessary in politics, with very few exceptions. Maybe she will eventually even learn this lesson.

In fact, the poster seems every sign of being on the road to becoming a reasonable person. Even the yapping of her "why don't you and him fight?" lapdog Greg does not seem to have stopped these favorable developments.

I'm proud of her.