The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115883   Message #2847319
Posted By: Sawzaw
23-Feb-10 - 01:52 AM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views: the Obama Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views: the Obama Administration
Amos cannot point out any errors but he attacks the format like a rabid dog at an Obama rally. The"screaming 15-point links" They are as they appear in the Whois registration.

The subject was brought into the discussion by Bobert.

Were any of the facts incorrect or do you just have an aversion to real facts?

You are much keener on facts like this that you cut and pasted and claims ss the truth:

From: Amos - PM
Date: 04 Sep 08 - 02:48 PM

September 4, 2008

"George W. Bush has abused the authority that we, the people, entrusted to him as commander-in-chief of our military forces.

Bush has expressed his desire to keep our military forces in Iraq. Consider what has happened to our economy, plus all of the American casualties in this "Bush conflict," which has cut off our crude oil imports from the big oil-producing nations, which has caused the totally unreasonable oil prices to get out of hand.

The Iraqi government and the Iraqi people don't want America in their nation, just as the people from Georgia do not want Russia in their nation. Bush is squealing like a stuck pig at Russia for doing the same thing he did to Iraq.

We American citizens do not want Russia to control Georgia, and we certainly do not want our armed forces or our tax money wasted in Iraq.

The "Bush government" is totally un-American. In my 81 years, Bush is the only president who promoted torture of prisoners. Our economy has gone to pot during this Bush watch.

I would be in favor of having Bush impeached before he leads us into World War III."

Gordon Lukkasson, Salem, MA PS Amos added the MA. It was actually Oregon.

Do the font sizes please you Amos?