The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127384   Message #2848086
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
23-Feb-10 - 05:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'Some rape victims should take blame'- ??
Subject: RE: BS: 'Some rape victims should take blame'- ??
Lox, I'm afraid that the woman that Don spoke of did ask for it, quite literally, then she changed her mind....and she changed it to cause him maximum hurt...So, I'd presume she went into that particular evening with the SOLE INTENTION of doing what she did.

Can you not see what a despicable way to behave that was? Can you not see what a terrible thing that is to do to someone else? I doubt she ever expected to get raped, because she wanted to be in control...but at some point, a woman like that may well come up against the wrong kind of man, and he will NOT treat her as Don did.

Does she deserve those consequences?   

You think not.

I think that if she repeatedly behaved that way, then the consequences of her behaviour were bound to catch up with her, sooner or later...and if she was not prepared to accept that it was her behaviour in the first place that led to the chances of that happening, she should never have behaved that way in the first place.

As I have said before...if you don't want to risk danger, then do NOT put yourself into that position in the first place..and please bear in mind, Lox...that I am talking about one particular sort of behaviour, and not about women who are raped despite NEVER having put themselves into any dangerous situation.