The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115883   Message #2848347
Posted By: Bobert
23-Feb-10 - 10:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views: the Obama Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views: the Obama Administration
Sheet fire, Sawz...

If I had the time I'd go thru yer seemingly endless stream of cut & posts and point out all the un-truths in them...

I mean, lets get real here... When one uses blogs and op-eds as sources then there's gonna be alot of bad (untrue) information... Lots of these folks get paid to write this stuff... They are instructed to take a position and work their way back thru everything that is out there to justify it... Has nothin' to do with any love for the truth... Just politics... Happens all the time...

Problem is that with the lies coming in with such volume that by the time that someone takes the time to disprove one ten more grow back...

This is what the Repubs have booked on fir the last year... Just lie, lie and lie some more... Obama not a citizen... Just yell it louder and come up with more lies to cover the last set of lies...

The problem is that with this corporate owned government its the corpoartions and their paid people who have the the money and time to sit in front of their computers and crank these lies out... That's an unfair advantage that the right has... It has all the money.... Folks on the left are out their workin' their brains out trying to keep their heads above water and not loose their homes...

So, yeah, the right will win the volume of lies battle 100 times outta 100... They have hundreds of twisters and bloggers fir every leftist blogger... It's kinda like Mike Tyson in his early career... The left cannot compete... It is almost usless to try...

So the best the left can do is just leave the right-winged twisters and bloggers alone and just keep talkin' about the vision and the policies and not get "blogged" down with rightwing bullshit...

That's the way I see it...
