The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127598   Message #2848934
Posted By: gnu
24-Feb-10 - 01:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: Flying standby, getting earlier flight
Subject: RE: BS: Flying standby, getting earlier flight
I used to be a top category frequent flyer on the two major air carriers in Atlantic Canada. This was part of the service.

I used to enjoy the perks... booked into a hotel on Floor X, repleat with complimentary common bar and hors-devours from 4PM to 7PM, limo service, the works. And, the private lounges at the airports were soooo nice... drinks, snacks, papers, magazines... and NO wailing children or constant low roar of the masses or THAT guy that you didn't wand to be near because there was something DEFINITELY not right with him. And, CLEAN, fresh smelling washrooms. And, being called for pre-board or late-board, priceless.

I haven't been on a plane since 1995 and I hope I never get on one again.