The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125989   Message #2849541
Posted By: katlaughing
25-Feb-10 - 01:37 AM
Thread Name: Tribulation/ Blessings Maeve & Truelove-off 4 abit
Subject: RE: Tribulation/ Blessings Maeve & Truelove
...this is the best option that is open to us; there are companies that specialize in temporary emergency housing after fires and similar disasters. I have the names of three in the New England area. They would work directly with the insurance company.

There are companies that handle this kind of emergency housing (and the insurance company will pay for it), along with arranging hook-ups of utilities....just wondering if anyone can tell us via PM what companies they recommend or not and why...

I would suspect the insurance company wants a say and is not looking for free mobile homes, etc. (sorry about that, maeve:-)

I think they mean to put it on their property while they muck out and grow their products for their farm stand.

At any rate, I think maeve has it figured out and will get the ball rolling with their ins. co which can then takeover and get it done! May there be a swift and just resolution in this situation..this or something better for the highest good of all concerned.

G'night, for real.:-)