The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126974   Message #2850311
Posted By: katlaughing
25-Feb-10 - 07:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: Healthy Feb-2010 Declutter & Fitness
Subject: RE: BS: Healthy Feb-2010 Declutter & Fitness
Sounds like they might figure it out, yet, LtS. Good wellness to you.

Andrea, you are a wonder. You all are wonders!

I have a new exercise coach as of today. Morgan was over and we were playing a trading card game called "Chaotic" which I didn't know beans about and he can't read the cards, yet, but he knows all of the terminology and what each character can and cannot do, so he makes up his own rules about points. It was driving me nuts because he was rattling more and more info off, non-stop, like a carnival barker.:-)

I told him, "let's go outside." we talked a bit, he wanted to play, I didn't...told him I was going to fall asleep. THEN, he said, do you want to exercise? I said sure. So he ups and walks out to the LR, starts me out with my small handweights with the moves he's seen me do, then he did things that were very familiar to the qi gong he has seen. He also made up a few moves. Anyway, he had a whistle which he would blow for me to start and stop, pattered on about how good I was doing and counted reps. out loud. We did at least a half hour and it was a blast. It almost made me cry...I've been wanting someone to be here and do that with me. More later.