The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126974   Message #2850495
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
26-Feb-10 - 01:16 AM
Thread Name: BS: Healthy Feb-2010 Declutter & Fitness
Subject: RE: BS: Healthy Feb-2010 Declutter & Fitness
Kat, to have been the fly on the wall for that session--it sounds priceless!

Liz, it's about time you took advantage of extra insurance! I have a friend who has caught so many colds lately, but trying to get him to choose a new doctor is like pulling teeth (had a bad experience with his former doctor--the kind of experience that would have me changing in a heartbeat). He has insurance he isn't using, and I sometimes think he's dealing with a kind of survivor's guilt. His partner didn't have insurance and I'm sure Allan died when he did because of all of the care that was delayed or not adequate for what he needed.

Today I washed some of the dish towels (what some of you call tea towels, I imagine--various sizes) that were in the trunk around a lot of plates and glass. The lint in the dryer was astounding. I washed them all on a gentle cycle and added bleach--something I rarely do, but these really needed some help. They're still not white and probably need another soak and wash or two before they are up to speed. And there were also a couple of wool blankets. One with various rich shades of red graduated the length of it, and the binding is in pretty good shape, all things considered, and the other has a hole in it. I think there was a leak of some point and a small spot through the trunk onto the blanket at one spot on the bottom, and the wool rotted. But I may patch it, or use it as batting in a quilt or something. The blankets are on the coolest heat setting and are okay.

Here are a couple of tags on the towels and if you look at the labels, you see one of these is from the WWII era. I scanned one of those and one other, that came after, I think. It's a lot thicker and more fancy.

Tomorrow night I'm headed up to watch my daughter's play for the semester. She did the costume design this time. :)