The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #116913   Message #2850720
Posted By: *#1 PEASANT*
26-Feb-10 - 08:55 AM
Thread Name: Folklore: Stupid Question but what is Wassail
Subject: RE: Folklore: Stupid Question but what is Wassail
This year for the Center For Fawkesian Pursuits Wassail celebration-outside of Baltimore Md. USA
I constructed a Vessel box, wassail box aka wessel bob....
If you need more information on this let me know- I am on different computer...

Also constructed a few weeks ago a christmas ox from a skull obtained via ebay. We will use this for a wassailing of the oxen ritual also a part of wassail and the christmas ox visitation ritual.

I am curently 3/4 the way through construction of a Mari lloyd the welsh grey mare also used in wassail visitations. i am trying to figure out how to spring load the jaw so it snaps.....any ideas....
