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Thread #115883   Message #2850787
Posted By: Little Hawk
26-Feb-10 - 10:10 AM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views: the Obama Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views: the Obama Administration
When does a mere lapse become a co-llapse? That is the question. ;-)

Sawzaw, I see that you approve of Obama's war policy in Afghanistan! ;-) What a surprise! All a Democrat ever has to do to gain a Republican's approval is go to war somewhere...anywhere...just like a good Republican would. ;-D

I want to remind you of one thing. The USA armed forces NEVER lost a single battle on the ground in Vietnam with the Viet Cong or the NVA. Why? Well, simple. The USA could always bring greater firepower to bear on the battlefield until they eventually won any specific battle on any specific piece of ground. They controlled the air with the world's biggest airforce. They controlled the ground with the world's most heavily armed army. They controlled the sea with the world's biggest navy. The result of any land battle would inevitably be an American victory, no matter how long it took...

So they never lost a single battle in Vietnam.

But they still lost the Vietnam war.

Remember that. All the Vietnamese had to do was never stop fighting until the Americans finally got out of their country and went home.

The British also won the majority of battles that they fought with the American revolutionaries in the American Revolutionary War...but they still lost the war!

That is how insurgents who are fighting for their homeland defeat a more heavily armed occupying force...not by holding ground, but simply by never giving up until the invaders go home.