The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126974   Message #2850940
Posted By: VirginiaTam
26-Feb-10 - 01:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: Healthy Feb-2010 Declutter & Fitness
Subject: RE: BS: Healthy Feb-2010 Declutter & Fitness
Weepiness has given over to bitchy... full moon's almost here.

I have been terribly lazy at home, but sticking to the 1250 cal diet. So hungry. RA has been particularly bad probably due to the damp weather. Think I am gonna have to move to southern France or Florida in retirement. I hurts bad.

Called Healthy Living team again (3 times now) pointing out that I should have heard from a trainer early last week. Tweeny receptionist, said she would get back to me today. She didn't. I notice that this NHS sponsored programme has now been partnered with the County Council. Fancy new website. I work for county council so I now know why I have not been contacted. It is all a pretty shell but inside are ants working frantically at trying to break out of the fancy shell and actually deliver to customers.

Feeling bad for the 2 colleagues who have to compete for the one finance job. One is off with the stress. The other who has more financial responsibilities and a heart condition is the one who always soldiers on uncomplaining. It is really her job they are both competing for. The other colleague (stressed) has seniority though. Found out today that the interview panel is stacked against the soldiering colleague. The manager of the stressed colleague will be on the the panel. And said manager has been dependent upon the stressed colleague to get her budget out of the shit for years.

I told them both ages ago to join the union. Too late now. Totally f*cked up.

Well... will practice instruments (if hands permit) for Sunday's fun at Lower Stoke.

Happy weekend everyone.