The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127699   Message #2851739
Posted By: *#1 PEASANT*
27-Feb-10 - 03:33 PM
Thread Name: Folklore: Proper Dress for Wassailing
Subject: Folklore: Proper Dress for Wassailing
After reading extensivly and intensivly in the area of Wassail I have never come across wassailers dress or costuming being described other than as either well dressed or shabby etc...

I know many Morris folk can not change their clothes :) so when they attend wassails they wear what they have but wondering if there is any justification for it? Should morris folk wish to be accurate that is.
If they dont care - well thats find.

Wassail for twelfth night is different as masque traditions apply and I guess if you wanted to disguise yourself as a morris dancer it would work.

Also absolutely sure that no painted face wassailers have been described and I have seen hundreds of references. Now this would not apply to mummers involved in plays or as christmas oxen or mary lywd
where dress up is essential.....

So far I would think that rustic english clothing would be appropriate probably wellies, etc...of course they will be standing out in the mire on the hard stone.

Or maybe I missed something.