The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115883   Message #2851745
Posted By: Bobert
27-Feb-10 - 03:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views: the Obama Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views: the Obama Administration
Yeah, like the Haitian Embassy is going to tell you the truth...

The problem we have here is that there are amny sources of information and many condtridictions... If you take the goevernment of corporate's "facts" they usually don't jive with other sources which are many times the sources alot closer to the situation than either the government or the corporation...

Alot of the stuff that I kearn about comes from listening to NPR while I am working... It's amazing how different the world looks when you take those sources and mix them in with the propaganda that the government puts out... There is no way to be 100% sure of much of anything other than we are all going to die one day... Ohter than that, in the words pof Woodie Allen, "It's a crap-shoot"...

That's part of what Amos is saying...
