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Thread #87391   Message #2852271
Posted By: Little Hawk
28-Feb-10 - 11:52 AM
Thread Name: BS: Where's the Global Warming
Subject: RE: BS: Where's the Global Warming
I have looked at the measurements, Amos. That is just it.

Here's another video you may enjoy:

More views on the actual causes of present global warming.

GfS - Well, it was about the only thing I had to go on at the time, you see. ;-) In any case, I liked Al Gore and I thought he was probably telling the truth. I have since decided that either he wasn't telling the truth...or he simply doesn't understand the situation. (but probably the former)


There are enormous entrenched governmental forces involved internationally in trying to push the present CO2/global warming scare...just like they pushed the H1N1 scare recently. They will make sure to publish a great deal of propaganda supporting their view of it, because they are well-funded. They with the funds control the media. What will eventually determine who is really telling the truth about it, however, will not be determined by media propaganda. It will be determined by the inevitable flow of actual reality on a planetary and solar system scale, and that is not controlled by the funding of powerful interest groups.