The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #400   Message #2852377
Posted By: GUEST,Lynn
28-Feb-10 - 02:51 PM
Thread Name: Req/ADD: French folk songs
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: French folk songs
I vaguely remember a funny song about a girl named Marie-Madeleine. It's not the Marie-Madeleine song mentioned above by Artful Dodger (Marie-Madeleine verse 1. Mon père n'avait fille que moi/Encore sur la mer il m'envoie).

This song was an add-on song, and each verse described a different feature of Marie Madeleine's rather unattractive appearance. Example "Marie Madeleine a une dent cement" or "Marie Madeleine a une oreille en bois".

I think the verses goes sort of like this:
The leader sings the first line "Marie Madeleine a une dent cement."
The rest of the group calls out in a surprised way "une dent cement???"
The leader sings "Une dent cement!!"

There may be something else before the refrain.

When you start a new verse, I think you add on all the other descriptions. So the song gets longer and longer as you add more verses.

I remember the tune and the rhythm for those of you who know solfege. It's in 3/8 or 6/8 meter. The first 8th note is a pick-up to the next bar.

(low)sol doh-doh-doh doh-doh-doh   re(qtr note) re(8th) low sol (qtr)
       Ma - rie-Mad-e- leine a   une       dent             ce-ment___

and the refrain is this:

mi-re-mi   high sol(dotted qtr)    re(qtr)    mi(8th)    doh (dotted qtr)
mi-re-mi   high sol(dotted qtr)    re(qtr)    mi(8th)    doh (dotted qtr)

The refrain words could possibly be (though it doesn't make sense)
Pied mirinton Madeleine
Peid mirinton Madeleine

Does anyone remember this song? I remember learning it either on a French exchange trip to Trois-Riviere (in the 1990's), or else when I worked in Ottawa playing in the Band of the Ceremonial Guard (in the 1990's). (Both things were a LONG time ago, so the words may be way off, but I'm quite sure of the tune and rhythm.)