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Thread #127485   Message #2853375
Posted By: Michael Harrison
01-Mar-10 - 03:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: Hockey US vs Canada Olympics
Subject: RE: BS: Hockey US vs Canada Olympics
Being laid-up for virtually all of the olympics, I was able to watch several "great" match-ups - a wonderful two-week period of games.
Both my wife and I were torn between US and Canada because Mike Babcock, Steve Yzerman and Wings GM Holland were running the Canadian team, while Brian Rafalski was driving great guns with team USA. In the end, we just didn't want anyone to lose, but we both felt that the best ending came about; besides, I really did not think it would be fair to Roberto Luongo to have to face the rest of the season after losing the gold medal on home ice - he's a good guy, even if he isn't a Red Wing. Great game; great rivalry, my only regret is that there were not enough smiles on the US team when they received their medals - they played hard and they played well, stand tall guys. The only thing left to say is: GO RED WINGS, GO!..............Harrison