The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127532   Message #2853430
Posted By: Smokey.
01-Mar-10 - 04:37 PM
Thread Name: mummers in larkrise
Subject: RE: mummers in larkrise
"The authenticity of the baler twine was something which concerned me greatly." (GUEST, Jim Hancock)

Whilst I have great respect for the legendary P. F. Harrington, (esteemed author of "Discovering String") my gut feeling was that it was not baler twine at all, but hemp parcel string, probably lifted from the Post Office. One glance at "The Observers' Book of String" seemed to confirm that theory. Naturally, I was horrified, but then that's why I watch it. I did, however, fingd the woolen underwear most erotic, whether authentic or not. Excuse me, I have to go.