The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127778   Message #2853868
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
02-Mar-10 - 05:07 AM
Thread Name: BS: What is a Reactionary? Is it good/bad?
Subject: BS: What is a Reactionary? Is it good/bad?
This was brought up in 'The Sexualisation of our Children' thread...

>>>From Crow Sister:

"Must say LC, you are quite identifiable for your classic reactionary thread titles!

Nevertheless I think LC, vocalises much of what (for want of a better term) the err common man thunks, and it's wise to heed some of what she has to say - if one is genuinely concerned with whats going down in the UK today."<<<<

...and I don't get it. ???? WHY would being concerned about children today be considered 'reactionary'?

Is it wrong these days to have morals? To have principles? To stand up and say "No, that is SO wrong!" ?

Has it become almost illegal to be the boy who told the truth about the Emperor and his clothes?

Have we all become so brainwashed, that our brains are literally awash with the thoughts of others, rather than our own?

A long time back now, on the BBC board, Sweetums described me as 'a dangerous reactionary who must be silenced'. I remember staring at those words and thinking "Eh? Huh?"   Yes, 'they' went on to silence me over there, and they behave so often like rabid dogs over here, because Joe was refused to be behave in the same way as the BBC and give in to their suppressive ways...but WHAT is this paranoia about having a different opinion to the masses?

Is a reactionary purely one who is an individual, and who chooses not to go with the crowd?   

If so, then I am proud to be one.

The dictionary states that a reactionary is one who is opposed to liberalism and progression.

Well, I see where liberalism has led us, and I ain't too happy with it, because seems to me we've become far more imprisoned by our 'freedoms' than we ever were before.

If feminism meant to end in pole dancing, then those who support a woman's liberty to do that need their heads looking at, because in my book, it takes women back decades to being sex objects, with not a great deal 'upstairs' just loadsa dosh shoved down her cleavage for wiggling her bum. Is that what the feminists wanted for women?   

Our children HAVE become sexualised, to the point where FINALLY people are starting to wake up about it.

Drinking IS out of control.

Public behaviour is also out of control (at least over here in the UK it is)

And yet, you're condemned as being MAD if you dare to stand up and say 'The Emperor has lost his clothes again! Don't believe a word he says!"

I ain't afraid of any label being hurled my way, but it seems to me, that finally society itself is starting to look to the past, for the answers to the future...

And THAT is a good thing, in my world, at least, because once, this world was a helluva lot more honest than it is now. Life was a lot simpler and in many ways, far more pleasant and protective too.

I don't like many of the New Ways.

And I am not afraid to say so.

Just my take on it though....