The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127778   Message #2853912
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
02-Mar-10 - 06:09 AM
Thread Name: BS: What is a Reactionary? Is it good/bad?
Subject: RE: BS: What is a Reactionary? Is it good/bad?
So, if you feel that something in the New Age of Liberalism is terribly wrong, you are not supposed to mention it anymore?

For instance, I feel the sexualisation of our children is deeply worrying. I feel the way some women now behave is degrading. I feel alcohol abuse is out of control and affecting society for the bad...

If I state my feelings on that, I'm seen as reactionary, because 'anything goes' these days...

However, if I choose to be liberal thinking myself, and home educate, believing that 'school' has had it's day and is one of the most reactionary and against so many forms of liberalism, I am STILL called 'reactionary'

Pardon me for being thick, but er...I don't quite get it.

Is it that I am ONLY classed as a reactionary if my ideas disagree with those of the masses?

Schooling as we now know it, is still based on the Victorian principles of education, pretty much, in that all children should learn what their superiors tell them, in the way they are told and do the examinations set before them, no matter if they want to, or not...

Now *that* seems SO reactionary that it beggars belief....

Hmmmmmm...I need to go think about this one a little deeper...

Excellent post, Stower.