The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127744   Message #2854085
Posted By: bubblyrat
02-Mar-10 - 10:04 AM
Thread Name: FlkloreWhy do people insist on dressing in costume
Subject: RE: Folklore: Why do peopleinsist ondressing incostume
Nevertheless,it is interesting how,or at least so it seems to me,that everyone in the USA,whether playing or not, APPEARS to do the same kind of thing at festivals,country-music conventions,etc,that is to say they all seem to dress up like Jed Clampett & Ellie-May,or Roy Rogers and whatever-her-name-was; so what's wrong with that ?? I mean,don't Civil War re-enactors dress up in Blue or Grey uniforms ?? They would look fucking stupid in lounge suits,don't you think ??