I am Evelyn,......As a child in St. Louis Missouri, this little chant was said when every one was in a circle. A girl (blindfolded) was always in the middle of the circle. The circle would hold hands and walk around the "little Sally Walker " and chant the rhyme. Little "Sally" would put her hands on her hips, do a little shake with the line came, and at the very end, point (blindfolded) so someone. There would be boys in the circle also. (but never in the middle of the circle) The last line was "shake it to the one that you love the best. When there were boys in the circle and you pointed to one, then you were immediatly dubbed as in love with that boy. If it was a girl, and not your best friend, it could be hurtful to your best friend, (we were so silly). (lol)...etc.
The chant was:
Little Sally Walker, sittin' in a saucer, Rise sally rise, Wipe your weepin' eyes, Put your han's on ya hip, Let ya backbone slip, Shake it to the East, Shake it to the West, Shake it to the one That you love the best.
The blindfolded "Sally" would mime the chant. (mock sitting down, rising up,shaking her little body's hips, or doing a little dance as the circle joined hands and walked or skipped around "little sally walker". When the line "Shake it to the one your love the best" came, she would point her finger in any direction she wanted to, and that's when the fun began! "Sally" would remove here blindfold, to remarks like "oooooo you love such and such if it was a boy, (and every silly little thing that kids say when given an opportunity would come flying out of the "circls'" mouths) lol.
After the laugher and teasing died down, the next "little sally walker" would enter the circle and it would start all over again.
The kids with a fun "attitude" in the middle of the circle or those that made the circle is what made the game funny and fun.
Sometimes, boys were "Little Sally Walker", (they usually cheated so they could point to the little girl they liked...their clowning usually put the Little Sally Walker game to a rest, and we would stary playing hide and go seek, or some other game. Dodge ball, Hop Scotch, kick ball, Tag, Double Dutch or other outside group games.