The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83749   Message #2854661
Posted By: Janie
02-Mar-10 - 10:30 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Little Sally Walker Other versions
Subject: RE: Origins: Little Sally Walker Other versions
Upthread, in 2006, I posted words to "Little Sally Walker Down in New Orleans."    I finally recorded it and uploaded it to myspace.

Bob the Postman had referred to "Ain't Never Been Satisfied," by Jim Kweskin in answering my original inquiry. The tune I use for "Little Sally Walker Down in New Orleans." is my best memory of the tune used by the friend mentioned in my very 1st post, and I speculated, after reading Bob's post, that it is possible she learned it from the Kweskin album.

If you have heard the Kweskin song, I'd appreciate it if you would take a listen to LIttle Sally Walker Down in New Orleans, and tell me if it is the same tune. (1st song in player - and I ain't no artist.)