The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127807   Message #2854790
Posted By: GUEST,Upstreeter
03-Mar-10 - 06:02 AM
Thread Name: Folkies and their vehicles
Subject: Folkies and their vehicles
Following the rather sad correspondence about poor old Diz in another thread, posters however seem to have much in common with their amusing anecdotes about Diz and his eccentric vehicles. Which got me to wondering about folkies past and present and their modes of transport - eccentric or otherwise. To start you off I remember Peter Knight had a rather nice Norton Commando motorcycle back in the 70's and I believe Rod Stradling was once the part owner of a Vincent Comet sidecar outfit. Bob Lewis (the great traditional singer from Sussex) once had a Delage D8 and various 'Auntie' Rover saloons, and is a trained mechanical engineer. Gordon Hall perambulated about the place in a big Volvo estate and Bob Copper wrote wistfully of his pre-war Morris Major which took him on collecting jaunts all over Sussex and Hampshire. Roger Watson was a BMW motorcycle user and Michael Plunkett (all round nice person and fiddler with The Rakes) was using a truly ancient Land Rover. Peter Bellamy never drove and went everywhere by train or bus or in the latter days was driven.