The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127807   Message #2854847
Posted By: bubblyrat
03-Mar-10 - 07:53 AM
Thread Name: Folkies and their vehicles
Subject: RE: Folkies and their vehicles
Well, I remember going to Exeter University a few years back,for "IVDIF" ,and parking quite close to a certain "caller", he of the black kilt & beard,who uses,or used,a safari-type landrover with a tent on the roof (so the lions can't get you !) ; the sub-zero temperature didn't seem to bother him !
   For many years I lived in Dorset,and my then-partner and I used a variety of vehicles to get to folkie events, viz a black series 3 Landrover with a pink (well,she IS an artist !) roof ; a converted gas board /water board utility Renault Dodge truck,which we had fitted-out at a Poole boatyard ; A Mercedes 609 D 3 1/2 -ton van,previously a Dorset Education Authority Mobile Classroom, which we totally outfitted ourselves,including pine double-bed,wood panelling, and a "Faversham" solid-fuel stove ( bugger to park in Christchurch,though !) ; a former Post-Office Leyland Daf van with roll-up rear door and blue "poncho" extension ,which we camped in Holland in.
   I have noticed at Warwick the last couple of years,a chap who turns up with his wife & kids in a motorbike / sidecar / trailer combination which is very eye-catching indeed !
       And we mustn't forget " Jan and her Van",must we ??