The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112808   Message #2857555
Posted By: Little Hawk
06-Mar-10 - 10:26 AM
Thread Name: BS: War is over. The surge has succeeded!
Subject: RE: BS: War is over. The surge has succeeded!
Oh, yeah... ;-) I'm sure the rest of the Arab world desperately envies not having been invaded by the USA, smashed to hell by bombs and cruise missiles, wrecked, decimated, and then rebuilt and occupied by the hated invaders with a whole bunch of permanent military bases and an ongoing presence of American troops, mercenaries, and corporate contractors.

Hell, they must be green with envy, right? Why couldn't THEY be so lucky, like Iraq has been? Why???? ;-D

Yes, the whole world yearns to be invaded by America, beat to hell, occupied, and "saved". I know we here in Canuckistan think wistfully of being saved, for example, from our quaint form of democracy and our national health insurance...and given the more "progressive" American corporate approach.

Come on, attack us. Please. Invade and occupy. We WANT to be just like you.

I mean, who wouldn't?