The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127613   Message #2857730
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
06-Mar-10 - 02:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: £800 fine for low school attendance
Subject: RE: BS: £800 fine for low school attendance
From Emma:

"Thank you for posting that extract from a Daily Mail article taken up - well no surprise there - by

American Renaissance (abbreviated AR or AmRen)

- a monthly racialist magazine published by the New Century Foundation.

The magazine's founder Jared Taylor has been called a white separatist by the Southern Poverty Law Cente

says it all really !"

No. It merely says I put a link in to a story.

Here is another link:

The same story, from Pink News - Stonewall Publication of the Year 2006/07

Now, on that link they also give mention to The Daily Mail. So, does this mean that I have chosen THAT link purely because it mentions that paper? Does it mean that those who own the site, by allowing those dreaded words 'The Daily Mail' to be in their article, are nothing more than obvious 'right wing, fascist, racist gay people with a hidden agenda? Does it mean that you have decided the same of me, merely because I linked to their site?

To me, it merely means they've printed an article on there because they want to pass the information on, in my opinion, of course.

But then, I don't have hidden agendas myself, of trying to convince people that someone is racist, when they are not.

From Emma:

"- and we are to assume that this lame excuse for humour and 'random' choice of initial does not bear "Any Resemblance to Persons Living or Dead" or mudcatter and is just coincidence?


Meanwhile long standing members of the forum are 'not allowed to address' this sort of ****

just 'perfick' !"

Well, I've been here over 6 years now, so I guess that classifies me as a long standing member of this forum, Emma....and I feel that I'm addressing the sort of **** that's thrown at me by the same folks, pretty darn 'perfickly'.....