The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127613   Message #2858229
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
07-Mar-10 - 07:33 AM
Thread Name: BS: £800 fine for low school attendance
Subject: RE: BS: £800 fine for low school attendance
Miss Sweetheart ain't me, Clutterbuck...she's a relative of Miss Honey, from Roald Dahl's 'Matilda'.

"This mechanism enables the mind to avoid the discomfort of consciously admitting personal faults by keeping those feelings unconscious, redirecting their libidinal satisfaction by attaching, or "projecting," those same faults onto another."

Blimey, I never realised you thought my one brain cell was that complicated. 'libidinal' I presume, comes from the The I Know Far More 'Hintelligent' Words Than You Register, right?

Tell me, Emma, why haven't you chosen to comment/judge/damn me on the other link I put it in. The one which told exactly the same story. The one from the Pink News magazine?

To me, you see, it's just another link. I don't check out the backgrounds of people who own sites before I link to them, if they have a story I want to link to...and I'd imagine that loads of other folks don't either (said Jimmy James, in his effort to try to get this woman to understand)

As I recall, you linked to a story in The Daily Mail, relatively recently, saying that you didn't like linking to that paper, but found it the only link that was displaying the story you wanted to highligh.    Do you remember that?

So, how come it's OK for you to link to that paper, but not me, or anyone else...unless of course, like you, they feel they have a right to do so?

I'm just puzzled, that's all.

If you *REALLY* want to know why I linked to that first one, it was simply because it was the second on the google list. The Daily Mail was the first one reporting that story and that site was underneath it. It was extremely late at night and I copied and pasted the link, put it on here, and voila...

It really was THAT simple.   I *am* a simple soul, not pedantic about facts, figures or owners of sites.

But, just like Miss B, you have already written me down in your Hate Register, and set off on your crusade to prove to the world that I really AM the person you KNOW me to be...and that I linked to that site KNOWING it was run by people who'd infuriate you further.

But there's no point in getting you to understand that, 'cos you won't. So you scribble away..and look up sites which apparently now describe my peysonality...but you won't find one that fits, I'm afraid, because I don't think inside your box or anyone else's.   My brain and the single cell which dwells within, is it's own person.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to the woods, like Jimmy, where I can get right away from minds that assume they KNOW how and why other minds think like they do, then demand that ALL minds think as THEY do.

'Jimmy' and I are free people. Born Free to Live Free and Die Free.

And here, whilst I'm away in the woods, is another magazine for you to read, one run by a lovely family who left these shores to live in France and raise their children as they wanted to. Their three children are now all grown up, incredibly intelligent, able to look after themselves, grow their own food, build their own houses, as their father did.   

FREEDOM in education

Think OUTSIDE the Box, Emma...and you will find life takes on very new and wonderful meanings.