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Thread #127912   Message #2858396
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
07-Mar-10 - 12:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: The nastiest influence in UK politics
Subject: RE: BS: The nastiest influence in UK politics
""I think it is a low blow, not to mention wildly inaccurate, to describe the recently deceased Michael Foot (who received tributes from friends and foes alike of all political colours for his honesty and integrity) as one of the nastiest influences in British Politics.""

And as a Tory, I heartily concur.

A Labour party with the likes of Clement Attlee, Tony Benn, Michael Foot, John Smith, Bob Marshall-Andrews, and yes Neil Kinnock too at its heart, would at least make me seriously consider voting Labour. These men were genuine socialists.

What have we had instead?

Since I became old enough to vote, Wilson (arch crook), Callaghan (Ineffective bumbler), Blair (empty shell), and Brown (miserable Mr Bean, lurching from crisis to disaster and back again).

Labour (not socialism, because they are not synonyms) has brought this country low at every opportunity since 1964. They devalued our money, and handed sovereignty over to Brussels. At least Maggie, with handbag swinging, won some concessions from the EU, all of which, and more, Blair and Brown handed back.

I feel much the same about ersatz "working class" politicians, as RB does about "Etonian Aristos".

Does anyone really believe that the current mob, on £60,000+ per year, and expecting a rise of £1000, know, or give a shit, about the working classes. They regard us as the gullible twerps who go on voting for them because our fathers did, and I'm not all that sure that they're wrong.

Don T.