The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127613   Message #2858499
Posted By: GUEST,Ralphie
07-Mar-10 - 02:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: £800 fine for low school attendance
Subject: RE: BS: £800 fine for low school attendance
I knew it was a mistake. But I'll add "being a snob" to all the other insults that come hurtling through the ether.
Getting quite a list now!
Haven't had the gratuitous sarcasm that others have had to put up with....yet. No doubt it will be on it's way.
I'm not going to go down that line of "my job is more miserable than yours"
.....Actually I will.

First job, working as a supplementary benefits officer for the DHSS in London.(known to the Red Tops as "Sex Spies"..which was nice)
I was means testing an unemployed chap. Unhappily he was just over the threshold for benefits.
He went very quiet for a few seconds. I said "sorry, but those are the rules"
He thanked me kindly, walked to the window and stepped out.....4 floors up...
He had two kids.

Emma has quite lucidly pointed out how children were treated 100 plus years ago.
I know the Patience Kershaw story, and am grateful (if that is the word) to have been pointed towards the other two sad cases. (and I'm sure that there were thousands of others in the 19th century and before.)
Child exploitation was rife before the early 20th century. Women were chattels, until the suffragette movement got them the vote.
And it took until after the second world war to form what is now known as the NHS.
And you squeal about the temerity of teachers to perform their "Duty of Care" by keeping an eye on your little darlings during school hours. And that you can do it better??? With no traiing???
Words fail me.
Lizzie welcome to the 21st century. Take those rose-tinted spectacles off, and see all the gun and knife crime around you. Who caysed it?....Teachers? They haven't got bloody time to show kids how to roll a spliff, take crack cocaine, not to mention the techniques of murdering people.
No, In the main its caused by lack of proper schooling and feckless parents, who either can't, or don't want to care.

I would suggest that you spend a week watching the Jeremy Kyle show. That is broken Britain. Not...Social Services or the Teaching profession.
You profess to want to change the world. Well...Go on then...But leave us decent intelligent people alone and start ranting at ITV (or whatever damn channel it's on)

When you are sitting in your nice warm National Trustshop tommorow, selling mugs to tourists. Remember Patience Kershaw, and the others.