The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126555   Message #2858816
Posted By: LilyFestre
07-Mar-10 - 11:27 PM
Thread Name: on to Life!
Subject: RE: LilyFestre - Cancer-Seeking Chemo Is on Target!
We went for a ride today and ended up at Barnes and Noble for a few hours. I picked up 2 books...Coping with Chemotherapy and Beauty Pearls for Chemo Girls. Both books deal with exactly what chemo is. One book deals with the side effects...what causes them and ways to find relief. The other book deals more with how to take care of your skin, make-up, wigs, hats, how to twist scarves into lots of different pieces of head gear.....fluffy girl stuff!!!!
    Late in the afternoon we went to a new restaurant which was pretty full. I had taken 2 knit and one kerchief kind (that I usually wear to yoga). Well. It was 55 degrees outside and I was hot in the knit cap. Although the knit cap looked better on me, I opted for comfort and went with the cooler kerchief. Hm. People stared or looked at me and quickly looked away when they caught my eye. Oh well. I have decided that when it's hot outside this summer, I might not wear ANY hat when I'm inside....either at home or in public....if they are going to stare, I may as well give them something to stare at! :p Despite the strange looks, I had a GREAT time out today with the love of my life...I've been looking forward to it since last week!!!
    My port incision itches like crazy today and I'm not to itch it. ARG. Also, I've decided to cut back on the sleeping meds so they don't become a habit. Also, my hair is now coming out all over the place. So I'm awake. Restless. Balding. And ITCHY.

Balding = chemo meds hard at work.
Itchy = healing
Restless = time to read

Did I mention that my port is dark purple?

Goodnight Sweet Friends.
