The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #24744   Message #285962
Posted By: Sorcha
27-Aug-00 - 01:57 AM
Thread Name: How permanent was permanent?
Subject: RE: How permanent was permanent?
Carol, it's only an 18" table top loom, and has been in the closet for years..........I would love to do "natural" dyes and mordants only, but as you say, they can be very dangerous.And, I have no clue as to the warp threads, except for "perle cotton."

It's mostly that I am an adult, and have "other" things to do with my time. No "Mommie" to say--"You HAVE to practice NOW"..........type thing.

Right now, I am canning as per "new" regulations; the old ones would kill us all, as no doubt would "old dyeing rules".........