The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112808   Message #2859783
Posted By: Sawzaw
09-Mar-10 - 12:52 AM
Thread Name: BS: War is over. The surge has succeeded!
Subject: RE: BS: War is over. The surge has succeeded!
I can see LH and Amos are heartbroken because the terrorist they have been rooting for didn't win. Sorry guys.

Iraq vote a setback for Al-Qaeda
Mar 9, 2010 AFP
BAGHDAD - AL-QAEDA in Iraq suffered a major blow after Sunni voters largely ignored its death threats and turned out in force to cast their ballots in a crucial weekend general election, observers said.

Electoral authorities have put the final turnout in Sunday's vote at 62.4 per cent, and Sunni participation was seen as a defining aspect of the ballot, especially in traditional Al-Qaeda strongholds.

In the run-up to the vote, the Islamic state of Iraq (ISI), the Qaeda front in the country, threatened on a jihadist website to kill all Iraqis, and especially Sunnis, who went to the polls.

'The Islamic state declares... a curfew on election day... throughout Iraq and especially in Sunni areas,' US monitors Site quoted ISI as saying in an Internet posting.

The Qaeda front warned that anyone who defies the curfew will 'unfortunately expose himself to the anger of Allah and then to all kinds of weapons of the mujahedeen.' As polling centres opened in Baghdad early on Sunday morning, the capital came under a hail of bomb, mortar and rocket attacks that killed 38 people.

But Sunni Arabs, who had massively boycotted the last polls in 2005, were undeterred, with 70 per cent of the electorate voting in Diyala and Salaheddin provinces, 61 per cent in Anbar and 67 per cent in Nineveh. -- AFP