The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127830   Message #2859789
Posted By: GUEST
09-Mar-10 - 01:17 AM
Thread Name: Lyr ADD: R.R. #2 / Rural Route 2 (Barry Brown)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: R.R. #2
It's Rural Route #2, recorded by Barry Brown of the "Family Brown" around the year 1965 or so..Not sure of the exact year.. It flew across Canada and reched very high on the charts...t was their first song...... I played in a country dance band about then and it was our #1 requested song.... I knew it like the back of my hand but have forgotten the lyrics almost completely.. One particular line or lines I remember was..."The little Church where I knelt to pray, has closed it's doors forever so they say.. (blank blank)..."I can't believe God moved 10 miles away".... It was a bit of a protest song about how the lttle towns were gobbled up by cities.......Thanks for the try