The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127613   Message #2860557
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
09-Mar-10 - 06:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: £800 fine for low school attendance
Subject: RE: BS: £800 fine for low school attendance
Actually Ralph, you should worry about sending your children to school in Sidmouth,because my daughter was taught by a paedeophile, as I've said many times before. He was sent to prison for it, put on suicide watch. His mate, another teacher, KNEW what he was doing, yet he did not tell the headmaster for a very long time. He simply told his mate he shouldn't be doing it.

What this teacher was doing was getting young girls to reach up to a particular shelf, those girls who had skirts on...and of course, he had a camera built in there. The photos were then loaded up on to the internet. Luckily, someone found some of the photos and alerted the police. I don't know how they found them, but the whole story can be checked with The Sidmouth Herald, if you don't believe me.

I'm not going through the many incidences of bad teachers again, as I've put them down here in Mudcat many times over, but I had those exact circumstances happen to me too, of teachers belittling me, yelling at me, getting cross because I did not understand...and it wasn't just me, but some of my friends as well.

"...Take children out of school and "educate" them your way and you will produce the useless and incapable."

And YOU call ME 'stupid'? That remark is so beneath contempt that it is barely worth replying to. Tell me, O Arrogant 'Poxi' One, what is it in your mind that has so brainwashed you into thinking, into believing that the ONLY way a child can learn is through school?

Open your mind.

"Anyone who thinks that children don't need to learn grammar, spelling, arithmetic and mathematics and the general need to obey rules is condemning those children to failure and misery.."

My children know to question rules. They know to question those who make 'the rules' too. They are intelligent, kind, compassionate human beings. All the employers my daughter has worked for have asked her to stay on, told her there is always a job open for her, because they know she is intelligent, reliable, honest and hardworking.

She does not need your approval, nor the stamp of 'THIS CHILD HAS BEEN SCHOOLED AND IS THEREFORE A PROPER HUMAN BEING' upon her head.

And..for your information, had she decided to study Art at Exeter College, they'd have taken her without any GCSEs or A Levels, because they are deeply open-minded to Home Educated children these days, knowing them to have a love of learning and to not want to be destructive or abusive in class. My daughter chose an Open University course instead though, after the Head of Art had warned her that if she was expecting the College to be any different from school, she had to let her know that it wouldn't be, because there were still young people there who did not want to learn, who disrupted lessons and who were only there for the money they now get paid to stay in Further Education.

My daughter has been there, done that, got the scars and is fed up to the back teeth of kids who don't want to learn.

You choose your way. I'll choose mine. And I can assure you, that mine, is probably even better than yours, because the child learns what they have a love of. It starts with giving them a love of reading, a love of learning...and letting them understand that the world of books, the world of the internet, gives you an open library of thought, feelings, discoveries...

So, 'Poxi' may I suggest that you take your 'STUPID' and shove it where The Turnip People live.

Thank you.