The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126570   Message #2860925
Posted By: SINSULL
10-Mar-10 - 08:30 AM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcat Recovery Ward 2010
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Recovery Ward 2010
I'm still confused. Why does she need four legs? Apposable thumbs are handy. How did she manage the lock without fingers? Is someone running around here with four hands and no feet?
I was sad because I had no shoes then I saw a woman who had four feet...I mean, no feet and four hands.
I guess that's what comes of hanging around a radiation lab.

Now back to our story.
The inmates are sick and tired of all the noise and running around. Kendall is first to the door with a huge harpoon, followed by Curmudgeon with a concertina and LilyFestre with long pink scarf. A big bald Indian joins in the commotion and helps Kendall wedge the harpoon into the jamp and pop the door open just as Weird Herman comes flying through the air screaming in pain over the heads of the horrified onlookers. He cartwheels down the hall and into the arms of Nurse Ratched. DeMilo the Demented follows after but in the knick/nick of time Lily tangles her feet (all four of them) in the chemo scarf and sends her ass over teakettle down the same hall also into the arms of Ratched who by now is apoplectic.
Mid air DeMilo grabbed Tom's squeeze box and and upon landing hobbled Herman's Hermits with a salty hornpipe as Kendall...