The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127613   Message #2861104
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
10-Mar-10 - 11:55 AM
Thread Name: BS: £800 fine for low school attendance
Subject: RE: BS: £800 fine for low school attendance
It was not bait, Backwoodsman, so please, back off!

It was not a personal attack, Dave!!!

It was ANGER and CONCERN!!!!!

It took me TWENTY bloody minutes to turn my computer back ON. It was late, I'd already gone to bed! But I got back out of bed, came in here...


Because MY SON had that virus...and he was in Derriford Hospital, touch and go, for the first few days, as his whole body started to close down with the shocking dehydration he suffered!

I got through the ENTIRE vast linen cupboard on that ward in ONE night, David! You've seen rotovirus in its mild form, well trust me, in it's worst it is shocking, absoulutely shocking!!!

I was helped by the nursing staff who were themselves worn out and overworked...

That is all irrelevant really, but it came out because my mind was filled with the horrors of that terrible ordeal when I thought I'd lose my son. My mind takes me write back to that time, runs the whole film through again in every minute detail!

I was worried sick that your grandson may of started to go down the same road, so I wanted to tell you what the worst case scenario was and not to take any shite from anyone.

I AM tired of the fucking stupig 'games' you all play with me, to while away your hours, throwing the most incredibly unfeeling, uncaring remarks my way, about my children, my intelligence, my family, my personal life.

There are some fucking nasty people in here, some of whom follow me round the internet. Why? What the fuck for?????????????? WHY THE FUCK would they put down little 'secret codes' to me to tell me, in secret, that they know something else about me?????

Come on, Folkiefuckingdave, come out here and fight like a man, you creep! Stop creeping round the internet, then telling your buddies about it, so that they too put down their coded, 'ruth'.....

GEEZ, you people make me sick!

And Show of Hands think that *******I******* am unpleasant??????

NEVER again, Dave, will I take the trouble to do something like that. I was deeply concerned for your grandson, NOTHING else!! But here you go with the Oh, Lizzie's had this, Lizzie's had that and she's had it worse..."

Well, YES I DID!! My son was incredibly ill! So make of that what the fuck you want!

And don't go crying into your cup about this message, because you have been baiting and baiting me for message after message!!

Here...another way of looking at things!

"Dear Lizzie,

Thank you so much for telling me about your son. I realise, after having been such a total shite to you for so long in here, that it was a big step for you to overcome your anger. But you did, and you did it for my grandson.

Thankfully, he is now OK, but I realise he could well have taken a turn for the worse, and your message may well have then proved invaluable.

I hope that from now on we can be friends and I am backing right off, as of this moment, from constantly belittling your words, your children, your life, your intelligence. I am no longer going to be part of this disgusting Witch Hunt...

I have judged you so wrongly, and I apologise.

Best wishes

Hah! Fat chance, eh!

Oh..and if Chris Murray is in here, or out there, someone tell her, and John Freeman that I am NOT on the BBC board, and whoever started the Reg Meuross thread was NOT me.   BUt again, out they come with their pompous "We KNOW it's you, Lizzie!" Well, it fucking wasn't, so didn't all of you look dumb!   

Leave me alone, get out of my life, out of my face.

Oh...and could someone please explain to me why, if school is so fucking wonderful, my country and the USA, where the National Curriculum started, are now both SOOOOO dumbed down to the point of total disbelief????

Thank you.

And Joe, I'm sorry, but these people drive me nuts!!!!!!!!