The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112808   Message #2861506
Posted By: Bobert
10-Mar-10 - 09:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: War is over. The surge has succeeded!
Subject: RE: BS: War is over. The surge has succeeded!

I'm not sure how this occured but I go off to to a few things and comne back here and there is a new "window" open at the bottom of my computer screen entitled "Mudcat Cafe' messa..." and it is has nuthin but Sawz 3:25 post asking what LH meant by his "jarhead Canadians"...

Never had anything like that happen and maybe someone more familiar with in the ins and outs knows but no matter...

What LH is talking about is excatly what I just posted about... I mean, it's like one man's terrorist is another's freedom fighter... So what LH is sayin' is that to folks who are being shot at by a Canadian "jarhead" (slang for marine) that the jarhead is the percieved terrorist... Everything is relative dependin' on who happens to be the shooter and the shootee...

Still not too sure how that thing happened with a seperate window with just that post... Maybe soemthin' new, I donno... Don't have time to figure the ins & outs of computers...
