The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #24405   Message #286184
Posted By: Little Hawk
27-Aug-00 - 03:59 PM
Thread Name: 3 crop circles near Orillia
Subject: RE: 3 crop circles near Orillia
Good stuff, flattop. Thanks for the new info. We now know how those particular crop circles were created. It definitely hasn't been a waste, since it has stimulated all kinds of hopefully useful discussion which would not have occured otherwise. Colin's revelations about these particular crop circles being a hoax will probably simply be denied outright by a few people who went there and did ceremonies or know how people can be. I still did see some extraterrestrial machines back in '69, but what the heck...we've already been over that from A to Z.

Sourdough - we definitely CAN change others, and we sometimes do by stating our opinions clearly and effectively. Other people have changed me more than once. And for the better. What I did mean to say was that it's not my business to change others, unless maybe they are willing to change or they are desirous of it. If so, great. If not, then I will let them be happy in their own chosen way.

The great danger with dictators, religious fanatics, political fanatics, or fanatics of any stripe is that they are absolutely determined to change EVERYONE...into their own chosen any means possible. Or if your back. And that is bloody dangerous.