The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128036   Message #2862544
Posted By: Richard Bridge
12-Mar-10 - 08:23 AM
Thread Name: BS: Teacher members of BNP
Subject: RE: BS: Teacher members of BNP
I'm sure that any teacher teaching that children were sexual beings and were entitled to pursue sexual activity with persons (or animals) of any age including teachers would speedily be silenced.

Illegal sexual activity ranges from the mildly disapproved (two people of 15 years and 11 months in a stable (for their age) relationship having normal sex) to the plainly nauseating (do I really need to draw a diagram?) - but any teaching of promotion of any of it would bring firm repercussions.

And because of the risk people on the sex offenders' register are barred from teaching and other contact with children.

Since pretty well everything the BNP say or believe is close to the outer limits of loathsome, and, indeed damaging to society, I would be strongly in favour of a total prohibition of the promotion of their doctrines (sort of like Clause 28) and indeed indeed thier presence in schools.

Sam, as one would expect, wholly overlooks that the world needs to work for all, not only the western white.