The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128036   Message #2862637
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
12-Mar-10 - 10:49 AM
Thread Name: BS: Teacher members of BNP
Subject: RE: BS: Teacher members of BNP
Could she be sending profits to the organisation, Joan? I agree it is awful if not but can we hold judgement until we find out?


I, like others, was of two minds. As much as I loathe the BNP and all it stands for I cannot see how, realisticaly, teachers can be allowed to belong to the Labour or Conservative parties and yet banned from joing other, currently legal, organisations. If the BNP was to be outlawed then fair enough. But at the moment, as long as their members break no laws, they are doing nothing legaly wrong.

However, having thought about it, I have come to realise that when in control of young minds we should not be looking at only the legal aspects. We should be looking at the moral ones. There are a number of organisations that I feel teachers should not be publicly promoting. The BNP is one. I have my own views on the others that I shall not bore you with but that then does give us another dilema.

Who decides which organisations are moraly suitable? Legal and Illegal is cut and dried. But are we to have a morality clause as well? Would it be open to interpretation by the LEA's? How could we check if the potential teachers moral fibre is adequate? By saying membership of certain organisations were to be excluded from holding teaching posts would we just be driving them underground?

I certainly would not like nasty Nick or any of his filthy crew anywhere near my grandson but I don't know how best to prevent it:-(

Dilemas R us...