The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #119380   Message #2863733
Posted By: open mike
14-Mar-10 - 01:33 AM
Thread Name: Open Mike's radio show now streaming
Subject: RE: Open Mike's radio show now streaming
well, i am so busy spinning discs as a d.j. (25 songs in 2 hours) that i do not play live on the air, but vieos of me can be found at myspace playing a few that page also has the blog where i post my radio show playlist--including contact info, web site, record label, for each cut played.

I had 2 live music gigs on thursday and friday in a town about 50 miles east, as well as 2 today....a morning/noon gig with my trio before my radio show, and a solo show for 4 hours this evening....
after the radio show...

so many little time....