The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128065   Message #2863815
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
14-Mar-10 - 07:36 AM
Thread Name: BS: Highering Age of Criminal Responsibility
Subject: RE: BS: Highering Age of Criminal Responsibility
And I cannot believe how a story can be used to mean different things to different people.

If you read the full Norweigan story here you will see how the little girl's mother hardly ever goes out, cannot work, because she suffers from post-traumatic stress syndrome.

You will also read that the 6 year old killers were known to her daughter, as they were her friends. It was a game that went horribly wrong, and when their friend fell into unconsciousness after they had kicked her, they ran away, terrified, leaving her to die in the snow, unwittingly leaving her to die....

Jamie Bulger's mother has to live with the memory of having her little boy holding her hand once second, in the shop...then him not being there the next. She has to live with the film of her dear little lad being deliberately taken out of that shopping centre, by his 10 year old killers. She has to live with the knowledge of what they did to him, how they tortured him, tied him to a railroad track and left him to be run over, DELIBERATELY.

It was not a 'game' that went wrong. It is utterly different from the Norweigan case in many, many ways. The ONLY thing that is the same is that both mothers are without their chidlren for the rest of their lives.

One of the killers of Jamie is now back in prison for child pornography offences.

With regards to Mary Bell, imo, I think she should have lost the right to keep her child. Harsh? Probably. But there are two mothers lost their rights when Mary and her friend murdered their sons. They will live a life sentence that will never end until they die, as will Jamie's mother.   Venables should lose his right to be a father too...I don't know about the other one, so I can't really judge. But what the hell is right about child killers getting their lives back, then one day, holding their own babies, when they have utterly destroyed the lives of others, both through death and through grief?

If there is a true begging to be forgiven, then yes, forgiveness can happen, I suppose, but if there is none, then it is very, very hard for the family of the murdered child to forgive.

The Norweigan mother, will also live her life that way, but with a slightly different feeling inside. Her child was not deliberately murdered.....Obviously, because she no longer wishes to go out and has post traumatic stress syndrome shows that her life is far from dandy.

Sorry if I sound harsh, but there ya go.

No-one has the right to criticise Jamie's mother, because no-one has even the slightest beginnings of understanding as to what that poor woman has to live with, each and every single day.