The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127725   Message #2863831
Posted By: AllisonA(Animaterra)
14-Mar-10 - 08:04 AM
Thread Name: BS: Declutterers March 2010 Like a Lion
Subject: RE: BS: Declutterers March 2010 Like a Lion
What was it about yesterday? I was exhausted all day (could it have been that I taught contra dancing all day Friday and then led a Family dance Friday night? Maybe!).

BUT- what a day to de-clutter! We now have 3 fully functional rooms upstairs- ALL the books are found and put away (I found my precious Elizabeth Goudge collection). My dear husband actually sat and let me help him go through ALL the 20+ years of accumulated clothes that have been in piles on the spare bed- now there are 3 trash bags of clothes to go away- 1 with perfectly good shirts, 1 with perfectly good pants, and one with amazingly bad shirts, pants, shoes (our local recycling center used to have a cloth recycling bin but no more. Wish I knew what to do with them, since we really don't need THAT many rags!). And of course, he only got rid of 10 Hawaiian shirts, which will be donated to the local morris team, but kept about 10 others, and about 10 other shirts & jackets that he may or may not ever wear again. And HE calls ME a "clothes tree" (I love thrift shop clothes, but I always bring a bag to donate when I go thrifting, so don't have the buildup that he does!).

Now we have Maggie's room all set for her arrival this afternoon (home for March break). Still have cds to shelve, and my office is almost fully functional except that I still need to get my file cabinet out of storage (across a field of snow that will hopefully melt over this rainy weekend). And there's still about 6 boxes of STUFF to be dealt with in one corner of the room.

All that's left is hanging pictures and sorting a few more piles! Oh, and curtains, as soon as I get my sewing machine back from rehab.