The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125989   Message #2864141
Posted By: Ebbie
14-Mar-10 - 06:46 PM
Thread Name: Tribulation/ Blessings Maeve & Truelove-off 4 abit
Subject: RE: Tribulation/ Blessings Maeve & Truelove
Maeve, just think: Had you told us of your own sprawl you would have healed much faster. And, Susan, the same is true for you. We already know all about Mudcat Mojo.

Last night was my worst night. I woke up at 4:00 trying to figure out how to roll over to my other side in bed. Finally realized that without aspirin I wasn't going to feel any better, even if I got rolled over. All I had to do then was figure out how to get out of bed without waking my hosts (They got back from Italy last night and I'd been housesitting during these three weeks) with my groans.

Finally got downstairs and into a big chair were I napped until everybody got up.

I know that as pain goes, mine is small potatoes - but it still ain't nice.