The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128110   Message #2865064
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
16-Mar-10 - 05:12 AM
Thread Name: BS: Respect On Saint George'sDay-April 23
Subject: RE: BS: Respect On Saint George'sDay-April 23
It doesn't say anywhere that St Georges day actualy is considered racist, Les. In fact, a little below the sensational headline it goes on to say

More than a million people signed a petition calling for a Bank Holiday on St George's Day. Campaign founder Colin Tabor, 52, said the idea the day was racist was outdated.

He said: "We have got supporters from all walks of life, from every race, religion and creed asking us how they can celebrate the day. All the other British countries have their own celebrations so we deserve our own.

I find it a bit rich that a paper like the Daily Star, which has done as much to cause these probles as anyone, is now complaining that people are concerned about the racist connotations. But I guess most people know my views on the popular press!
