The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126555   Message #2865153
Posted By: LilyFestre
16-Mar-10 - 08:03 AM
Thread Name: on to Life!
Subject: RE: LilyFestre - Port is 'on board' chemo continues

   I won't post!!!

Severn, I LOVE the way you shared your bald head with the world. I pretty much keep it under a hat unless I'm at home, with family or ONCE I braved an out of town dinner with no hat. The only person who really looked hard at me was a man wearing a really bad wig!!! LOL

    The port incision has healed up nicely and I may be able to go swimming within the next couple of days! The nick where the tubing went in hasn't quite healed's still ugly but it is healed enough to hit the pool!

    Rowan...I was pretty battered when they finished and OMGosh I was SORE.....only in my neck area though. The port area was tender but nothing like the pain in my neck. Thankfully, that has subsided. The tubing lets me know it's there if I look up too fast or stretch my chin to high to reach for a kiss from my husband, but otherwise, it's doing well AND really does make a BIG difference (positively) in getting my chemo. :)

    The picture of me showing the port scars is kind of haunting to me. I know I still have weight to lose but my body and my face look so thin to me...and pale. And yeah, I think my eyes, in that photo, are expressing concern. My mom tells me it doesn't look like me anymore.

    Had another bizarre dream last night. This time I was at the hospital and they were going to plunge a thick needle into my heart for a biopsy. I got up off the table and ran away. Then I woke up for a few hours! Feel back to sleep and had a much better dream about a friend who passed 11 years was good to see him!!!

   It looks to be the beginning of a beautiful spring day and I'm feeling good!!!!!! YAY

Enjoy the day everybody!!!

Love to all,
