The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128145   Message #2865935
Posted By: Backwoodsman
17-Mar-10 - 08:09 AM
Thread Name: Finger in Ear - what's all that about?
Subject: RE: Finger in Ear - what's all that about?
"When singing solo and unaccompanied it's an affectation of the poseur-type, and completely unnecessary."
IMO Utter rubbish; most singers I have met find difficulty in maintaining pitch while singing unaccompanied - they tend to rise."

Jim - it's my opinion, to which I'm perfectly entitled. Please don't be aggressive just because we disagree, it's an unfortunate habit of yours and I don't appreciate it.

I believe that any singer worth the name should be able to sing in tune (which is what I said - no mention of pitch) without deluding themselves that they need to cup their ear. It's something that McColl did, for whatever reason, and it became fashionable as sure as sheep follow the leader of the flock.

Cupping the ear is a measure for overcoming ambient noise (be it other singers, instruments, echoes in a temple, street-noise rising to the prayer-callers in teir minarets, whatever. It's not necessary in the (hopefully) quiet confines of a folk-club.

My opinion is based on the experience gained in fifty years of singing in choirs, bands and solo, both amateur and semi-professional. And I've never - ever - had to cup my ear.