The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128126   Message #2866055
Posted By: Nick
17-Mar-10 - 11:25 AM
Thread Name: Blues Thread! Can I borrow some ears?
Subject: RE: Blues Thread! Can I borrow some ears?
Thanks for all the feedback - a few comments back

catspaw49 - didn't have a name so picked the initials of the guitarist + B for band. The front man is a good starting point for naming a band if they are good enough and he is. Blues-Jazz-Rock I blame John Mayall for those 3 albums with the jazz players :) (and my love of jazz which I didn't realise had spun over into this). 7.5 out of? LOL How do we get it to 10?

leadfingers (and zen) - thanks for listening Terry. Not sure I'll make Sidmouth this year but if I do I'll play some acoustic blues.

Burton Coggles - thanks for that. The three full tracks were off the first two and a half hour practice we had when we first met. The demo includes stuff from the first and second. Yes we are fairly new to each other. I'll record the first gig straight off the PA and see what it's like. ever since buying my little Zoom I record everyting as it hopefully makes me stop playing the crappy bits (doesn't always work but that's the theory ...)

Nigel - it was a misprint. I meant to borrow some years

Lonesome EJ - Crossroads was much to quick and became a bit of a mess I know. I think it's part of three people checking each other and seeing what they can do - I included it because the original is in my mind one of the best bits of Clapton playing ever and so it was fun to try. By the time we perform it live it'll be ok. I'll check out Terraplane - any links?
And full marks for spotting it IS a Stratocaster. He gets good tone without a wealth of effects too which I like
A number of people have said that people will dance - I was bothered that we were too guitar soloey for people to dance and realise I may have been wrong. If I can play music I like AND have people dance that's great!

Darowyn - see above! Thanks. I'll probably amend the demos as we have more to play with. If you ARE ever near York we do folk music too

Richard - see above. Crossroads was one of the last things we played on the first practice and it IS fast and I was trying to do to much as we probably all were - it'll be good in time (in both senses!) All Your Love owes more to Gary Moore than Mayall or Otis Rush so hence the pace - the guitarist is 20+ years younger than me and was brought up on different things with the same root.
Demo1 - was recorded mostly from second practice and the room was a bit bigger than the first practice and I might have placed my Zoom better (a little digital recorder in a little room full of noise is not ideal I know - I have a little bit of parametric EQ I use in Reaper to clear some of the muddiness out but I probably need to play more with it). Purple and Sabbath you are right about. There's a thought we might do the Undead album by TYA and end with Going Home. I wanted to include some vocals and you can only go with what you have. A lot of the things were quick two minute takes of 'do you know this one and would this work?' and just going for it.
Time and Devils - from completely new band to first gig in three practices is interesting. Perhaps a reality TV show waiting to be made?

Demo2 - never thought of the TYA until you mentioned it but I'll probably revisit. ZZTop I have never played before so it's getting used to it. The Tom Petty song was an interesting one which is very different to the rest but I quite like. The Dire Straits is hard to get away with as a 3 piece but the guitarist is a huge fan so we'll work on that. Never played High Heel Sneakers so I'm not sure where that came from. Santa Barbara Machine Head is a name from the past. I hate the Creedence too...

Stratocaster. Noone famous (but always good to hedge your bets :) If my son gets to where he wants to be they'll be lots of people saying "but I remember when I played with him and...")

olddude - ta

Thank you all most helpful as always