The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128163   Message #2866286
Posted By: RobbieWilson
17-Mar-10 - 04:28 PM
Thread Name: How many bluebells grow in the salt sea
Subject: How many bluebells grow in the salt sea
Last night I heard an old Glaswegian friend of mine sing a version of the false bride with the phrase above. I have never heard this and as far as I can tell none of the discussions in here mention bluebells rather than strawberries. A google search brought no results. He reckons this is the version he has always known, or at least since at least the early sixties. The lyrics were generally "Jockified" or a bit Kale Yard style. Does anyone know where this comes from or of any singers who sang about bluebells?

As an aside, none of the other threads I read had the explanation I have always had for this verse:
It is a Romeo and Juliet, wrong side of the tracks type thing; she's from a different world. What could one of them see in one of us? His response being " That cuts both ways"

Any way, any info on my original question would be appreciated